While the coronavirus pandemic, which has affected the whole World, has caoused radical changes in economic and social dimensions, it has also shaken people and the sectors deeply. TETSIAD , which has been trying to shares all the changes and regulations made with its members since the outbreak started, held a teleconference tittled ‘' Business Life in the coronavirus Process''.
At the teleconference held on April 22 ar14.00 via Zoom application with the participation of Association President Mr. Hasan Hüseyin Bayram, the experts evaluated the effects of the virus on business life. TOBB Turkey Insurance Agencies Executive Comittee Chairman Mr. Levent Korkut ,Arslan Law Firm Lawyer Mr. Süleyman Recep Sever and NDG Global CPA and Consulting Inc. Certified Public Accountant Mr. Murat.
Göktas were among the panelists of the teleconference ,which drew the broad participation of TETSIAD members.
Delivering the opening speech of the teleconference, President Mr. Hasan Hüseyin Bayram stated they would like to answer many questions directed to them to accompaniment of the experts and said : ‘' We have to protect outselves first and then, our business life.''
The teleconference, which started with the presentations of the panelists who are experts in their fields, continued with answering the questions from the members. Questions about severls issues ranging from short-term employment allowance to loan application, occupational health security, employment, goverment support,unpaid leave, state-sponsored receivables insurance, and health insurance were replied by the experts.